Boaters in Prince William County are asking everyone to keep a weather eye open for thieves that have been targeting boats in area marinas! It looks like they hunt at night and have already been responsible for a number of thefts – including TVs, and other items from the cockpitContinue Reading

In case you’ve been living under a rock, this is the second year of Fairfax County Police Marine Unit’s Boaters for Backpacks drive. Last year was a big success, collecting over 300 backpacks for FCPS students in need. As you can imagine, the need is even greater this year. BecauseContinue Reading

In spite of the show’s efforts to ensure visitor’s safety, members of the Annapolis City Council surprised the Annapolis Boat Show today by deciding to cancel both fall shows this year, citing concerns about COVID-19. The decision was made by Mayor Gavin Buckley, City Manager David Jarrell, Anne Arundel HealthContinue Reading

From Occoquan Harbour Marina: The board has unanimously agreed to revert the boat & trailer tax back to $0.00001! We are very grateful for everyone’s support. Thank you for sending emails, calling supervisors and joining us last night at the Board of Supervisors Meeting. The support was overwhelming and we hadContinue Reading

New Locations: Mount Vernon Captain Billy’s The Yards Marina Tiki TNT Forums: Tips & Tricks More goodies are added daily! Got something you want to add? Post it in the Reviews Forum!Continue Reading

Avast! Every September 19 be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! This year that there date be fallin’ on a Thursday. First created in 1995 by John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy), this be a very special day fer us pirates! If’n ye not be familiar withContinue Reading