Island Party 2023 Happening This Weekend!
One of the great events on the Potomac River will be happening this weekend, July 29 at Holiday Island – the annual Island on the Rocks party! If you’ve never been to one, this is the year to make the trip. This raft-up are party is one of the biggestContinue Reading
Important Info About the 301/Nice Bridge This Weekend!
If you are traveling between the upper and lower Potomac River for your weekend plans, you need to be aware of this Notice to Mariners. Captain Spike ran this down for us, so we’re just gonna quote him here: Notice To Mariners!!!! Those travelling to points south of the NiceContinue Reading
Fireworks Extravaganza July 4 2023
Rather than put out a ton of posts, we’re just going to combine all this info into one action-packed and exciting article! Rejoice, for we give you, in no particular order, this year’s skinny on some of the places to see fireworks this long weekend: Washington D.C. – July 4Continue Reading
Belmont-a-Palooza 2023 is STILL On for This Weekend!
It’s that time of the season once again for one of the most legendary of raft-up parties on the Potomac, and a little rain doesn’t seem to make any difference at all! Also, this weekend looks to be clearing up so get out there! If you’ve never been to aContinue Reading
Get to Know Your Tow Boat Captains!
Here’s a fact for you: Eventually everyone gets towed. Everything on a boat is either broken or in the process of being broken, and the same is true for your engine(s). This is why we have BoatUS memberships! For as little as $99 a year, you can join BoatUS andContinue Reading
ORMA’s Blessing of the Fleet May 20!
At the beginning of each season, the Occoquan River Maritime Association (ORMA) hosts the Blessing of the Fleet. The Blessing of the Fleet is a centuries-old tradition where receiving a blessing from the local Clergy was meant to ensure a safe and bountiful season. Hey, maybe your boat won’t sink,Continue Reading
DC Boat Show This Weekend!
May is usually a pretty busy month, and this season is no exception. There’s a lot happening on the river this weekend, and pretty much every weekend of the month. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, you may not be aware that this weekendContinue Reading
Life-long Boater Runs for Office in Prince William
Living in the DC area, whether we realize it or not, our lives are saturated in news and politics. The good news is that as boaters, we enjoy the ability to unplug from the “real world” each weekend we are out on the water – it probably keeps us sane!Continue Reading
Kicking off the 2023 Season!
March is here and the weather is definitely warming up. We don’t care what some rodent in Pennsylvania says, spring is definitely here! That means it’s time to de-winterize your water-hoopty and get ready for another exciting season on the river. This season may be a bit different than theContinue Reading
A Tip for Navigating the Occoquan Channel
There’s definitely a lot of new boaters out there, so we want to share as much knowledge as possible. With that in mind, let’s talk about the Occoquan Channel. Boaters who visit The Harbour Grille or The Electric Palm will be pretty familiar with this channel, but last weekend weContinue Reading