Correction: Due to weather, this event has been pushed to Saturday June 18. Once a year around this time, all the fun crazy people get together for a massive raft-up called Belmont-a-Palooza at Belmont Bay, just off Mason Neck State Park. This is a yearly free-for-all where you can expectContinue Reading

Over the weekend, someone posted on the DMV Boat Owners Group on Facebook, looking to purchase their first boat and they asked, “What are the pitfalls of owning a boat?” Now, we’ve seen a lot of answers to this question, but Richie Fekecs summed it up perfectly, and we thoughtContinue Reading

Blessing of the Fleet is an ancient maritime tradition, dating back to the mediterranean fishing fleets. The thought is that if your vessel received a blessing, your season would be bountiful and you stood a better than average chance of not drowning at sea! Sounds like a win to us.Continue Reading

It’s been a nasty cold winter, but after a few false starts, it looks like spring is finally upon us. Engines are starting up, marinas are starting to get busy, and we are starting to see more boat traffic on the river. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock forContinue Reading

March is here and the boating season is beginning soon. Even now, folks are gathering up their boat stuff from the garage and bringing it back down to their long lost water-hoopties. This is a time of year that is marked by marinas shifting into high gear as customers getContinue Reading

Well it took it’s time getting here, but winter is most definitely upon us now. If you aren’t yet winterized, you may want to start thinking about that! It’s the end of December and the boating season doesn’t really start here again until March, leaving a good 2-3 months ofContinue Reading

Not ready to call the season over yet? Looking for something to do next weekend? We’ve got just the thing for you! The Boater’s Olympics is an annual event held at The Harbour Grille. Each year teams of boaters compete in this massive multi-game olympiad, for prizes and just toContinue Reading