Booze of the Month: Jefferson’s Ocean

When most people think of boating, they think of beer and rum drinks. Those are great in the spring and summer times, but fall and winter require a different medicine! In my opinion, nothing wards off the cold chill like a good bourbon or whiskey! Jefferson’s Ocean (Voyage 19) does the trick perfectly!

If you’ve never heard of this bourbon, it’s story is a bit unique. This straight bourbon whiskey is aged in oak barrels that are then loaded onto a cargo ship. The salt air of the ocean, the constant motion of the ship, and the temperature changes between ports, help to give this bourbon it’s unique flavor. The bottle we had was from Voyage 19, which saw 30 different ports on 5 continents, crossing the equator 4 times in the process! Damn it was good!

This ain’t your average bottle of Jack Daniels, so don’t ya go slammin’ it down! This is some serious high quality stuff, and should be sipped for maximum enjoyment. Of course it’s about $100 a bottle, so you probably don’t want to bust this out at some frat party!