Every year on the 4th of July, tons of boaters gather on the Potomac river between the Arlington Memorial Bridge and the 14th Street Bridge, to get a view of the fireworks show that is second to none. This year will be a little different than last year, in a very positive way. Let’s start with the watercraft restrictions:
As always, there will be special watercraft restrictions that day. There will be zones designated for anchorage, and other zones in which you will not be allowed to anchor. In the past, people were not allowed to anchor between the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge and the Arlington Memorial Bridge. It’s unclear whether this restriction will be in effect this year, but it probably will. This map was just obtained (like 5 minutes ago) from the MPD’s Harbor Patrol Unit:

Now to the big news. As you might recall, last year MPD cleared out all the boaters from the anchorage after the fireworks show. This led to mass confusion and a potentially unsafe situation – think drinking all day, plus a fireworks show, then leaving at night. This year, MPD informed a member of Potomac River Misfits Facebook group that overnight anchoring would be allowed. We called MPD for clarification and found out that indeed, boats will be allowed to remain at anchor until 9AM on July 5. This is really great news, and will make an already awesome party even better! Thanks MPD!
Of course that means that you gotta be gone by 9AM, so claw your hungover self out of bed and pull that anchor in the morning. You can always nurse your gnarly hangover at one of the many bars up and down the river.